Wednesday 20 February 2013

Nicknames Galore!

Nicknames are a huge staple in my household. We are rarely addressed by our given names when mommy dearest is at the helm of the conversation. I don't think this is necessarily a "fobby" behaviour as it is just my mom being her weird self.

When it comes to nicknames, my mom doesn't so much concern herself with the cleverness or quality of the nickname, but rather the quantity. She is quite prolific.

A good portion of the time, my mom just spews out a new nickname that no one's ever heard before, yet somehow we always know who she's talking to. Typically anything that starts with a B, G, H and M is a nickname for my sister, and anything that starts with a B, D, F, P, S, T and W is a nickname for my brother. Even though my brother and sister both share the letter B we can almost always distininguish which nickname belongs to who.

Anyways, for your reading pleasures here is a condensed (yes condensed) summary of the more common names we hear around my house:

Little Brother Little Sister Me My Father
Baboon Boger Devil Chil' Ol' man
Baboonski Boger Noger Tud
Bean Counting Ben Buji

Beep Bop Buji Wuji

Ben Go Go

Billy Goo Goo

Billy Bee Gugalucki

Boon Guganucki

Din Din Ho Ho

Ding Dong Ho Ho Nuck Nuck

Dinsey Ho Ho Ro Ro

Fi fi Mega Goo

Fila Lila  Mo Mo

Fila Lila Jing Jong

Fila Lila Jing Jong Sing Song

Fila Lila Loonski

Pi pa

Pi pa poon


Sing sing

Sing song

Tin Tin


Wiggle Wam

Wing Wam

I think it's worth noting the uneven distribution of nicknames across family members. I have a theory that the number of nicknames you have is in direct correlation with how much my mom loves you. Further study is required...

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