Wednesday, 27 March 2013

The FOBulous Mom Turns 1... two weeks ago...

Wow... I was totally sleeping at the wheel for this one. My blog hit the 1 year mark and I wasn't even mentally present to take note!

I guess I should share a bit of history regarding how this whole blog thing started. Not too long ago, I had discovered a website called where users submit funny stories about their fobby moms. I obviously fell in love with this website as I could relate to the vast majority of the ridiculous stories. I would literally sit there in my cubicle reading these posts while violently convulsing in a vain attempt to subdue my laughter. Good times.

One day I decided I would submit a story, "Finding Emo", which would eventually make it's way onto the pages of I had a pretty good response when I shared this with my facebook friends, so I decided I'd share a few more stories on facebook.

As I continued to follow the fobby stories, the gals over at mymomisafob apparently decided it was time to take a break and I was left with no more fobby stories to read. It was then that I decided I would start my own blog, if not for my friends, for my own personal amusement. Slowly but surely, I began the process of documenting the various stories of my mother which I had committed to memory, as wells some new gems.

I guess I should thank MyMomIsAFob for taking a well-deserved break since that was ultimately the catalyst for me to start my blog. Thanks guys!

And what kind of reflective post would this be if I didn't mention the woman who inspired this whole mess: my mother dearest. If it werent' for my mother, I wouldn't have had the deranged upbringing and outlook on life that I have now. From day one, my mother has stayed true to her Tiger mom stripes. Never one to deviate from stereotypes, she's been known to cook a mean stir fry, bust a few skulls for bad grades, and retrieve food/commodities out of the garbage for safe-keeping. I owe my mom a lot of thanks for teaching me some valuable life lessons too. Among them is to always be grateful for what you have, to respect your elders, to finish your food, and to not become a slut. Actually, perhaps the most important lesson my mom has taught me was that life isn't fair. This was exceptionally evident when I was the only sibling who didn't receive an iPod as a graduation present. But the true lesson in there is that $hit happens in life. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. Either way the only thing you can control is yourself, so you might as well bust your a$$ so you can be of some use to society... at least that's my interpretation.

Lastly, but not leastly, I would like to give a shout out to you, the reader! Without someone to give two-$hits about this blog, well... I'd probably still write it, but it would be a lot more depressing for me to do so. I thank you. I am always so pleasantly surprised to find that someone can relate to me or thinks my stupid stories are amusing. I am also so confused as to how people from other countries have managed to find my blog... confused yet delighted!

I would like to give a big shout out to some of my readers in other countries! Here are some of the countries who are currently blowing my mind:

  • Canada (doi), you are my homegirl
  • USA! USA!
  • Россия! I obviously love Russians because they are the COOLEST!
  • The UK! Bloody hell!
  • Aussie, aussie, aussie! Oi, oi, oi!
  • Deutschland? Danke schön!
  • Oppan South Korea Style!
I also had some hits from Sweden but I'm pretty sure they found my blog by accident while looking for instructions on how to assemble Ikea furniture.  

Dwo je!

Friday, 22 March 2013

Goldroom - Fifteen

The FOBulous Mom: your new source for HOT JAMS! Well not really... but I like this song and it features a fellow half-yellow, Chela!

Sorry, nothing fobby today folks!

Friday, 15 March 2013

My Mom on Gilbert Gottfried

My mom calls me at work today to see what my plans are for the evening...

Mom: What are you doing tonight? Can me and gogo come over for a fisit?

Me: I'm going to see Gilbert Gottfried tonight at Yuk Yuk's comedy club.

Mom: Is it a Girl-Nights-Ow?

Me: No.

Mom: Oh. You know who is Gilber Goffreeze, right?

Me: No. (I know who he is but I wanted to see what my mom would say)

Mom: He is the guy that scrunches his eye ball.

Vintage Gilber!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

My Husband on "The Bachelor"

For those of you ladies who forced your man to watch the season finale of The Bachelor, know that you are not alone.

When I was watching the season finale with my gwai lo husband, this is what he had to say about Sean's choice of Catherine over Lindsay:

"So he chose the asian one... RUN SEAN! RUUUUUUUUN!!!!"

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

I Love Sriracha!

This is a scene from inside my fridge. I love Sriracha so much that I can't bear to let a single drop go to waste! It's kind of fobby of me but I'm sure I'm not the only person who does this.

You know you're asian when...

Monday, 4 March 2013

The Red Envelope Snatcher

Not long after CNY my sister found this note where her red envelope used to be:

Notice her spelling and redundant use of the money symbol