Tuesday 17 July 2012

Bean Counting Ben

Yesterday I was sitting on the couch with my hubby, and I didn't realize it, but I was singing to myself...

Me: cBean counting BEN.... Bean counting BEN.... c

Mark: What the heck song is that?

Me: Oh... it's a song my mom made up about my brother. Come to think of it, I guess it's not really a song because it's just that one lyric over and over again.

Mark: And your brother's name isn't even Ben... and it's not like he really loves money or anything.

Me: Yeah... I never really thought of that. I guess you don't think about these things when you're a stupid kid. I'm gonna call my sister to see if she remembers the song!

I called my sister and put her on speaker phone...

Me: Hey, finish my sentence

Sister: Ok

Me: cBean Counting-c

Sister: cBEN!c

Me: cBean Counting-c

Sister: cBEN!cHaha what made you think of Brendan's song?

Me: Mark caught me singing it to myself.

Sister: I forgot about that terrible song!

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